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dc.contributor.authorSilent ship research applications and operation conference (1984 October 2-4 : La Spezia, Italy)
dc.contributor.editorBlavier, Pierre
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The project to construct an acoustically quiet research ship for the SACLANT ASW Research Centre provided a reason for SACLANTCEN to organize a conference on silent ships, their operation and applications. The ship, to be delivered in 1986, will have a strong impact on the Centre's abi lity to undertake research and to meet its mandate to provide scienti fic and technical advice on ASW to SACLANT. This is especially true since t here is an increasing trend towards research at lower acoustic frequencie s , where most of the underwater background noise is generated by ships. The new ship, the first actually owned by NATO, will be operated by a commercial firm and will, as with the present research ship, be us ed by a NATO international scientific staff serving on relatively short-term cont racts. Thi s hi gher-than-norma 1 rate of turnover in the resea rch staff leaves flexibility for adjusting scientific programmes, but also accentuates the need for good planning. The conference was an opportunity to discuss problems related to the operation and applications of quiet ships in a forum in whi ch the participants had an unusual combination of disciplines. The result was a series of stimulating exchanges and a broadening of perspectives for all. Undoubtedly the conference will influence the Centre in its pla nning for the management of this specialized quiet ship and will affect thin king for staffing. At the same time it has made more people aware of the new ship that will often participate with NATO nations in joint exper imental studies, following the tradition established with SACLANTCEN' s previous chartered ships: the MARIA PAOLINA G. and the ARAGONESE. SACLANTCEN is grateful for the contribution of all participant s and hopes that they have also found the conference both informative and en joyable.
dc.format1 v. [110 p.] in various pagings : ill. ; 29 cm.
dc.publisherNATO. SACLANTCEN
dc.subjectShips - design and construction
dc.subjectRadiated noise
dc.subjectShipping noise
dc.subjectNoise control
dc.subjectNoise reduction
dc.subjectAcoustic signatures
dc.titleSilent ship research applications and operation: proceedings of a conference held at SACLANTCEN on 2-4 October 1984 - volume 2: unclassified papers
dc.typeConference Proceedings (CP)

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