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dc.contributor.authorGrasso, Raffaele
dc.contributor.authorMillefiori, Leonardo
dc.contributor.authorBraca, Paolo
dc.description.abstractWe present a hypothesis test to associate ship track measurements to an edge of a given graph that statistically models common traffic routes in a given area of interest. The association algorithm is based on the hypothesis that ship velocities are modeled by mean-reverting stochastic processes. Prior knowledge about the traffic is provided by the graph in form of probability density functions of the mean-reverting kinematic parameters for each node and edge of the graph, which are exploited in the formalization of the association algorithm. Tests on real Automatic Identification System (AIS) data show a qualitatively good association performance. Future developments of this work include the development of specific quantitative metrics to assess the association performance.en_US
dc.format5 p. : ill. ; digital, PDF fileen_US
dc.sourceIn: 2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Rome, Italy, 3-7 September 2018, pp. 1042-1046, doi: 10.23919/EUSIPCO.2018.8553443
dc.subjectMaritime surveillanceen_US
dc.subjectShip trackingen_US
dc.subjectMaritime route predictionen_US
dc.subjectBayesian statistical decision theoryen_US
dc.subjectStochastic processesen_US
dc.subjectGraph theoryen_US
dc.titleBayesian track-to-graph association for maritime traffic monitoringen_US
dc.typeReprint (PR)en_US
dc.typePapers and Articlesen_US

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