Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • A classification technique combining aspect dependence and elastic properties of target scattering 

      Zerr, Benoit; Tesei, Alessandra; Maguer, Alain; Fox, Warren L. J.; Fawcett, John A. (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 1999/04)
      Discrimination between man-made and natural underwater objects and between man-made objects of different characteristics are the key objectives of target classication. The current approach is mainly based on the analysis ...
    • Measurements of acoustic scattering from partially and completely buried spherical shells 

      Tesei, Alessandra; Maguer, Alain; Fox, Warren L. J.; Schmidt, Henrik (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 1999/04)
      Recent work at NATO SACLANT Undersea Research Centre has concentrated on investigating the use of low frequency sonars (2-20 kHz) in order to better exploit scattering features of buried targets that can contribute to their ...
    • Modelling of scattering by objects on the seabed 

      Fawcett, John A.; Fox, Warren L. J.; Maguer, Alain (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 1997/12)
      This paper describes some of the theory and implementation issues of modeling the backscattered
    • Real-and synthetic-array signal processing of buried targets 

      Pinto, Marc A.; Bellettini, Andrea; Hollett, Reginald D.; Tesei, Alessandra (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 2002/01)
      Results from two field experiments aimed at investigating the detection and classification of buried targets are presented. In both experiments a 2-16 kHz parametric source was used. In the first experiment the source was ...
    • Resonance analysis of the acoustic response of a water-filled cylindrical shell 

      Tesei, Alessandra; Fawcett, John A.; Fox, Warren L. J.; Maguer, Alain (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 1998/09)
      The resonance analysis approach developed for characterizing free-field air-filled cylindrical shells in terms of geometrical and mechanical pararneters is extended to fluid-filled shells either in the freefield or proud ...