Now showing items 541-548 of 548

    • Beam spreading and loss of spatial coherence in an inhomogeneous and fluctuating ocean 

      McCoy, John J. (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 1975/10)
      A theory has been developed that enables estimates to be made of beam bending, beam spreading and loss of spatial coherence. In this paper we concentrate on the loss of spatial coherence due to scattering. Using a minus ...
    • Some acoustic effects of internal macrostructure 

      Mellen, Robert H.; Browning, David G. (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 1975/10)
      Some recent experimental developments relating to internal oceanographic- acoustic interactions are reviewed. Besides amplitude and phase fluctuations, a major concern is scattering into shadow regions. Associated oceanographic ...
    • A review of oceanic fronts 

      Johannessen, Ola M. (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 1975/10)
      This paper will start with a brief account of oceanic frontal research. The definition of oceanic and acoustic fronts and the distinction between them will be discussed. Examples of frontal structure dynamics, correlation ...
    • Influence of internal waves on sound propagation in the SOFAR channel 

      Essen, Heinz-Hermann (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 1975/10)
      In this paper theoretical investigations due to the influence of internal waves to sound propagation in the SOFAR-channel are presented. The undisturbed acoustic field is described by a normal-mode model. The disturbance ...
    • Ocean-basin reverberation from large underwater explosions: part 2: computer model for reverberation 

      Goertner, Jean A. (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 1975/10)
      Following detonation of an underwater explosion, sound reverberates from the ocean surface and bottom and from scatterers within the medium. In addition, the boundaries of the ocean basin and obstructions within it, such ...
    • Some effects of large-scale oceanography on acoustic propagation 

      Guthrie, A. N.; Shaffer, John D.; Fitzgerald, R. M. (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 1975/10)
      A propagation experiment was conducted along a great circle track in the North American Basin, beginning at a point 400 km north of Antigua, W.I. and ending at the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. Shallow explosive sources ...
    • Calculation of propagation losses in a medium with a velocity profile approximated by a number of Epstein profiles 

      Strarup, Tage (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 1971/12)
      This paper presents a digital ray-theory program, by which the ray trace, travel time and intensity can be calculated for velocity profiles approximated by a number of Epstein functions.
    • Oceanic layered microstructure and fronts 

      Johannessen, Ola M. (NATO. SACLANTCEN, 1971/12)
      This talk is divided into two parts: one deals with oceanic microstructure, with particular attention to the so-called "layered microstructure"; the other part is concerned with oceanic fronts. As an example of the latter ...