Icelandic current experiment GIN Sea Cruise 88 data report: Hydrography and circulation: volume 1
The hydrographic and circulation data from the GIN '88 cruise on board the R/V Alliance are summarised in this data report. This cruise constituted the first component of the Icelandic Current Experiment, an observational project designed to investigate the structure and dynamics of the Iceland-Faeroe Front and the associated transport of the Icelandic Current. The cruise was conducted between 31 October-23 November 1988, in the vicinity of the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge in the southern Norwegian and Iceland Seas. Pressure, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and light transmittance were recorded in situ using sensors mounted on a CTD and water sampler. Water samples were taken for the analysia of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, silicate, oxygen-18, chlorophyll-a and phaeophytin florescence, and particulate organic carbon. The circulation data from deployed instrumentation during the GIN '88 cruise are also summarized in this data report. Three longterm moorings were deployed during the cruise and recovered during subsequent cruises. Two meteorological/drifting thermister chain buoys were deployed and meteorological data from shipboard temperature, wind, relative humidity and solar insolation were also acquired. This report describes the methods used in the hydrographic data acquisition and reduction and it presents the data in a selected sequence of plots and tables. The data from the moored current meters are presented in the form of instrument statistics, histograms, velocity scatter diagrams, time-series plots, progressive vector diagrams, velocity stick diagrams, and velocity spectra.
Report Number
Hopkins, Tom Sawyer
; Baldasserini, Gisella
; Minnett, Peter J.
; Povero, P.
; Zanasca, Pietro