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dc.contributor.authorSpear, Bruce C.
dc.description.abstractLow-Frequency Active Sonar System (LFASS) can provide significant improvements in the detection, localization and classification of very quiet submarine contacts. Achievement of the predicted performance improvements will require addressing and solving a number of issues related to the technical implementation of LFASS. These include the associated command, control, and communication (C3) systems necessary to operate LFASS, impacts on operational requirements while using LFASS, and impacts to other systems operated concurrently with LFASS. This paper does not address the design and implementation ofLFASS. Rather, the focus is on the required coordinated operations and the C3 systems necessary to conduct those operations. The potential performance reduction impacts of LFASS operation on other concurrently operating systems and platforms are also addressed.
dc.format11 p. : ill., 15 fig. ; digital, PDF file
dc.publisherNATO. SACLANTCEN
dc.sourceIn: Low frequency active sonar (SACLANTCEN Conference Proceedings CP-42), vol. 2, 1993, pp. K/30-1 - K/30-11.
dc.subjectLow Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS)
dc.subjectCommand and control systems
dc.subjectNaval warfare and operations
dc.subjectAnti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
dc.subjectMilitary communications
dc.titleConsiderations related to warfare system design and operation of tactical platforms in a low- frequency active sonar environment
dc.typePapers and Articles
dc.typeConference Proceedings (CP)

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