Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Ray convergence in a flux-like propagation formulation
(CMRE, 2014/01)
The energy flux formulation of waveguide propagation is closely related to the incoherent mode sum, and its simplicity has led to development of efficient computational algorithms for reverberation and target echo strength, ...
The relation between the waveguide invariant, multipath impulse response, and ray cycles
(NURC, 2012/04)
The waveguide invariant, b, that manifests itself as interference fringes or "striations" in a plot of frequency vs source-receiver separation, is usually thought of as a modal phenomenon. This paper shows that striations ...
A relation between multipath group velocity, mode number, and ray cycle distance
(CMRE, 2014/01)
Weston's ray invariant or "characteristic time" in a range-dependent environment is exactly equivalent to the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin phase integral for ducted normal modes. By considering a ray element it is shown that ...
Target time smearing with short transmmissions and multipath propagation
(NURC, 2012/04)
In active sonar the target echo level is often estimated with a propagation model that adds all multipath arrivals. If the (post-correlator) transmitted pulse is short compared to the multipath time spread then there is ...